Tuition Fees


One thing I've learned with the example of college,

Success is not determined by hard work and knowledge.

Not to discredit people's hard work,

But being rich definately has its perks.

Students I know getting their Masters Degrees

Get to because they can manage the fees.

They don't understand the true value of a dollar,

Because their fathers sport a white collar.

In the future they will be the ones who lead,

Out of touch, apathetic, no understanding for those in need.

Perhaps my anger is found in delusion,

Or maybe I'm right and success is an illusion

To those who do not have the financial gains,

But sadly they only have their brains.

I suppose many in this world have it worst,

dieing from disease, hunger, and thirst.

But this is America! The land of the free!

Yet so many people enslaved by tuition fees.




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