The truth of this lazy Latina
Yes I admit it I am lazy and I am a Latina
I can tell myself this, but for some reason the people who "love" me most tell I'm not My family my tells I'm not allowed to be a Latina that I have to be Latino My family tells me I'm not allowed to slack off that I have to be a smart motivated boy with a future My family tells me I have to be the one cousin at the family reunion that makes a six digit salary My family tells me that I'm the destine to break the cycle I want to tell my family that I'm not a man but, they won't change I want to tell my family that I'm scared because I don't know if I can become successful I want to tell my family I'm angry that I have to be the gold goose for my family members in gangs I can't tell my family that I'm struggling to find interest in school because they'll worry for me I can't tell my family that I tried to commit suicide because they would call me weak I can tell my family that I'm everything they want me to be with my finger crossed behind my backThis poem is about: