Troubled Teen
A troubled teen,
she wonders the streets,
a paint can in her hand.
She wants someone to notice her.
She wants someone to value her,
so she will receive her value from afar.
In the middle of her artwork,
amongst the city canvas
comes a cop car on patrol
staking out a scene.
Her hood is up and she's in the zone
when she hears,
"Hands up!"
Dressed in black she drops the can
and takes off sprinting down the block.
Fear has found her.
If she gets caught it will be her death.
How will she be found without her art?
Who will see her pain?
As she runs through the streets she stops
to hear her heart beat.
She turns around and who does she see
but herself in a
shatterd mirror.
When had she become broken,
as if her life was a dream?
The cop is now reflected in the mirror
as he yells,