Trees, the wind blows through them;
and all I hear is applause.
"What do you hear?" she asks,
"do you hear the laughter, and the happiness I do?
Do you hear the children playing?
The joy in the hearts of loving husbands and wives?"
"No," he says. "No I do not. I hear quite the opposite:
I hear the crinkle of decrepit leaves, and
the shriek of a baby zebra with no hope of life,
his mother shot,
and sold for a million dollars
as an unidentified species.
The same million dollars that would have been ours.
What happened to us?" He asks.
"laughter" she replies, "happiness. I found joy in my heart.
I realized the beauty in children playing, and climbing trees."
Trees, that the wind blows through.
And when I reach the top,
all I hear is applause.