Track Life


United States
30° 32' 2.6736" N, 91° 10' 59.8944" W

There you are for your next meet.
You're just sitting there in your seat.
You hear the coach say go and warm up.
Nervousness makes you get the hiccups.
You get up warm up during that night.
You go to the check lane to check your spikes.
The coordinator approve your spikes, now it's about to be the best time of the night.
200 meter run that's my best.
Trying to get into your dream college with this event is the biggest test.
Check in with your number and sit down to rest.
Trying to remember the coach saying," Keep your pace."
You say to yourself that's kind of hard when you're trying to win this race.
You hear the keeper yells," 200 meter race."
You look up and your heart goes in a fast racing pace.
"Lane four," the keeper says.
"Yes!," you say.
I was wishing to have this lane for days.
Prepping your blocks to get in place.
Adjusting them just right to make sure you don't mess up in this race.
"On your mark!" the shooter says.
I get in my blocks, time clicking in my head and it wouldn't stop.
"Get set!" he says louder and I raise my body up.
"Go!" he says and everyone jumped up.
But, me i'm smarter, I stayed completely down.
Coach taught me, the best way to run faster is to keep your head down.
Passing everyone up, I cross the line.
I win the race, with the best time.
First in my heat and first overall.
Got that scholarship I wanted, I really put in my all.
That's the," Track Life," you have to give it your all!


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