In Too Deep
(poems go here)
In Too Deep
I'm drowning...no air
I can't breathe...I can't think
All around me is water--a torrential storm
I should be afraid, I should be scared
But I am not....
For some strange reason, one that I cannot fathom,
I feel safe--secure, at peace
I'm in my element...
The water is my haven
While others are fighting, clinging desperately unto life
I am succumbing
The water, despite its capricious moods, is my friend
My comfort...
I should be afraid, I should be terrified,
But I am not...
I am a mermaid, a sea-nymph, a siren of time old
While others are fighting, fighting desperately to hold on
I am succumbing, allowing the water to purify me
Like a once foreign creature now reborn
Others might say that I am in too deep
That I'm well past the point of no return
I should be afriad, I should be frightened
And yet, I am neither one...
The water is my Mother
And I, her child, once long lost and now returned
The water embraces me with her waves
And I, her once forgotten child, is now returning home...