Off you go my dears
to fight a war you know nothing of
Fire in your bellies
Youth in your veins
Raising your fists to the opposition
while you are still too young to know what oppositions means
Raising your voices to the laws
but you have no clue the consequences
Raising your spirits to the world
that you are too new to concern yourself with
A child should not have to fight
For a child does not know how or what to fight for
We are all children forcing ourselves to fight too soon
We will turn our backs upon our brothers and our sisters too soon
and the plague of the grown will cloud us
and while we take arms agaisnt each other we will be chided that we are too young to know, too young to fight
But we aren't too young to feel
feel the fire in our bellies
The youth in our veins
washed away by the fight that isn't ours