They're Chaining Us to Mountains
High above the clouds,
Air cold, thin, but fresh,
My gaze sweeping from
One distinct peak to the next,
I consider my future.
Summiting one of these peaks
Can take a whole day.
But rising to fame, wealth, and “success”
Can take a whole lifetime.
My peers and I are told
To only pick one peak.
Mount Lawyer, Mount Actor,
Mount Teacher, Mount Doctor.
But, eyes glued to the summit,
Muscles screaming in agony,
We pass right by the delicate
Wild flowers just off of our trail,
And we fail to see the free flying hawks
Soaring even higher than the
Mountains we are chained to.
We admire and encourage these
Tall Hopes and Dreams.
So does the lack of one distinct goal
Make me unmotivated,
Or just open-minded?
Well, my dream is happiness,
And I may not know right now
Exactly what that looks like,
But at least I’m free.
Free to choose,
Free to live,
Free to climb any
And all of the
Peaks that I desire.