They Told Us
Society commandeers every bit of our lives
We would never live as hermits
Or make our homes out of living trees
Because that is not what they told us to do
They force us into prisons
That we ourselves created
Without bars
Until we listen to society
And the bars appear
Trapping our lives
Because they told us
We stand like they tell us
Shoulders back
Head held high
But the people
That bullied us when we slouched
Don’t care that we look confident
They throw words and fists at our proud faces
And we can’t fight back
Because that’s not what they told us
So the bullets keep flying
Making us fall on the inside
But we can’t show it
Because they told us
We notice what they tell us
Running away from the signs they put up that say:
“Don’t go there”
But sometimes we don’t flee
We look over the fence
And we see something so horrible
That we can’t understand why it was hidden
We open our mouths to warn the world
But then the bullets come flying
And we run
We understand why they say:
“Don’t go there”
Because they told us
We go where they tell us
Because they take us everywhere
And they don’t want to take the time
To drive the car to the end of the road
And when we finally go out
On our own
And it is so wonderful
But then they drag us back
And lock us away
Because we’re not supposed to go
To see something we have dreamt of
We know that now
Because they told us
We create what they tell us
Writing essays on events that happened
200 years ago
When we would rather be painting a picture
They tell us to talk about how the world works
When we would rather be creating our own
And when they find that we have been creating these things
They tear them up
And throw them in the fire
And bash them with insults
We cry silent tears
And let our greatest achievements go to waste
Because they told us
We say what they tell us
We say the things
That people want us to say
That everyone says
But when we say something
That they don’t like
They slap us
And gag us with their cruel words
Then we cannot speak
Even when they let go
For fear of being caught again
Because they told us
We are who they tell us
We date who we do not like
Because our parents would kill us if they knew
That we loved the kid next door
And we stole a kiss with them
Behind the gym last Tuesday
When we don’t feel comfortable in our own skin
But are trapped in the body of another
And if we let the world know who we truly are
They would throw us out
And tell us to die
So we hide ourselves
Behind a fake version
Because they told us
We like what they tell us
Because sometimes everyone loves something
Dancing to it in the streets
Or gushing over it at the lunch table
And we want to lash out
Hating it with every fiber of our being
But they hold us back with ropes of steel
And we sit there in torture
Eventually growing to like it
Forgetting the things we love
That people call lame
Because they told us
We live like they tell us
They force us to act like them
Become a part of them
But they didn’t have to
We are them already
And every one of them
Is one of us
Every single time we do
One of the things we wish they wouldn’t
We put a bar on someone else’s prison
The best we can do
Is to try not to be them
And tear those bars down
Because we told us