Ten Years
When you walk into the house you see your daughter staring
Staring, staring into the mirror
Something clutched in her hand
You don't know but you feel your heart clench up tight, scared
She's scared
She looks into the mirror, wondering
If the grass is greener on the other side
You look at her, asking
Asking about the object hidden away from your eyes
Causing your heart to jump erratically
She stands there, ignoring
Well, not ignoring, but thinking
Not thinking, listening;
Listening to your voice telling her you could not want her;
Listening to her teacher state that fags are dirty;
Listening to the pastor preach that God loves all His people ;
But all "The Gays" are going to hell;
Listening to the voices that told her her body was not right, too dark, too ugly, too boring, too stupid, too vile, too disgusting, too dirty, too thick, too ignorant, too natural
Too everything
She came out of the womb smiling when she saw your face
Now she turns away
Hugs exchanged for fleeting glances, heart to hearts with resentful arguments
Eyes never meeting, silence your only greeting
The same hands that used to braid her hair, turned to beating
Until one day she was gone with the wind,
Swept away by the promise of opportunity
You realize you're losing
Losing this battle against life
That this is the fruit of your labor
And you decided to watch and let it go
On a collision course with death
But now you want her back
You want her back but maybe now it's too late
You stand there, gasping
Groaning, moaning, yelling the words I Love You
She turns to you, seeing
And the knife clatters to the floor
You kneel, praying
Both of you crying
Grateful to God once more, forevermore
And embrace your daughter tightly in your arms
For the first time in ten years