Tell Me

Tue, 05/28/2024 - 03:23 -- I'm D

Do you dream in color, or are they black and white
Do you prefer the daylight, or the dark of night
Do you love with all your heart, or keep it locked up tight

If I told you that I needed you, would you be there
Would I have your full attention, or would you simply not care
Does anyone hear your cries when you scream, do you like loneliness or hunger to be seen

Do you dream in color, or are they black and white
Is your soul weary, or ready for a fight
Do you want it to be over, or have you just begun
Is your story filled with sadness, or happiness and fun

Do you think about the future, or are you stuck in the past
Do you believe in forever, or know that nothing lasts
When this life is over, do you think that they'll miss you
Do you think it really matters, or know there's nothing you can do

This poem is about: 
My family


I'm D

I'm a beginner, writing about my feelings.

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