Teenage Suicide
Run a bath and drop a toaster,
Take some pills feel like I'm on a roller coaster.
Run a blade straight down my wrist,
Put my hands on my neck and twist.
Tie a rope around my neck,
Jump off of a third story deck.
Don't you listen? Don't you see?
You're the only one saving me.
Without someone in which I can confide,
I'll be just another story of teenage suicide.
I see pretty faces in magazines,
And rich celebrities in limousines.
Then I look in the mirror and hate what I see,
A hideous creature staring back at me.
Now you've left and found someone better,
After you said you'd love me forever.
I still remember all these memories,
Now I'll put my mind at ease.
On the rooftop looking down at the street,
Cars like ants beneath my feet.
I jump straight down with my burdens to unload,
Now I'm dead, I've hit the road.
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