Teach Me
I’m told
Follow your dreams
Challenge yourself
Learn all that you can
But if you don’t do well on the test
How could you know it at all
Where do I start?
Can I learn something harder?
Can you tell me more?
If you do it this way
If you memorize it this way
You can pass the test
I just want to write
To create
But where is the challenge?
What they tell me is new
I feel like I have heard this before.
Just know it for the test
That isn’t learning
When the test is gone
What do I know
My dream doesn’t make any money
Does that make it less of a dream
My dream is changing
What does that mean
Is that bad
Don’t look at me that way
The pace is too fast.
The pace is too slow
Can you rephrase that?
You never can
I need a challenge
I need more
When can we move on?
You said that already
I know how to study
Can you go into more depth
The library doesn’t have books on that subject
We don’t teach that
Google it
The same place that encouraged
Living without restriction
Thinking outside the box
Having a new start
Restricts me now
Just know it for the test
Just do this on the test
Prove it with a test
That isn’t learning