Tale of Hope...
In the wide world of Cibtravay
Next to the sea of Wehclarah lay
The nation of Pixies in the Valley of Winds
Nestled in the sheer cliffs of the mountains
In all directions except the one that faced the sea and the bay
Peaceful were the Pixies
Clever and kind and colorful too
It was as if they were crafted from a spring breeze
They were small and slender
4 winged creatures that glided on the gales
(Fairies fly too, but they only have two wings)
They had nothing to fear
Till the day that the valley grew dark and cold
Maybe just over a generation ago
Now we the Pixies call ourselves the Keldurak-
The cursed people of the Valley of Smoke-
Our wings lay useless at our sides
For Ocht Tōbane killed those among us who once knew to fly
And who knew the lore of a better time
Ocht Tōbane is the smoke from the refuse of the graves of evil things
Those that refuse to depart this world
As he refuses to depart the valley
But instead calls himself King
His fortress is at the mouth of the bay
The Smoke, those that follow him
Patrol the cliffs and bar the mountain paths
So none can see or breathe freely
Or leave this land by any way
To go find a better place in the wide world of Cibtravay
So the Almighty help me, I, Enune Divateh
Must climb the cliffs untold
Find HOPE, that Weapon of Old
The Destroyer of Despair
The Sweetness of the Air
And destroy the oppression of Ocht Tōbane
Though I know not where to find HOPE
Or what I should look for
Many have tried and have never returned
Why should I succeed, I who have always been afraid?
I bring with me only what I need
The few things that may help me
A hobbling staff, rope made from the neselthe vine
A cloak, food, and a looking glass
That is clean of the smog’s soot, and shines
Now to whatever the future may hold
I have nothing to lose but my life and what little I have left to love
Goodbye! Off I go to toil and climb and find what never was!
I have traveled wide and far
I stand here now at the top of Futility
The cliff the farthest away from the bay and the sea
I toiled up its treacherous trails
I scaled its slithering, slippery side
The one that has never seen the sun
“You came so far needlessly,”
An oily voice said behind me
“Come, listen now to reason
HOPE never was, nor ever will be
Leave with what little is left of your wretched life!”
It was Ocht Tōbane!
His red coal eyes were pure hatred
The smoke of his existence
Emitted from the center of his being
It curled from his form in fumes
Of poison and pain and putridness
The very demon himself!
“No,” I coughed out overcome with pain
I tried to fight him, but when I hit him my hobbling staff burnt
Burnt like the beads of his eyes in flames of fury
The poison from his blow was a sure end of me
“Then die!” he hissed
“No,” I yelled desperately, “I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!”
I lunged forward
Using the mirror as a shield
My very last resort
Myth had it that light or a reflection
Was protection against evil intention
It withstood his second blow
Broken but not shattered
Dented but not demolished
Ocht Tōbane screamed
Screamed and threw me off the cliff
The tallest cliff of Futility, farthest away from the bay and the sea
The certain end of me
‘God Almighty, help me’
With renewed strength
And healed body
Coasting on a sweet breeze
In my hands was HOPE
Shining for all in the valley to see
Reflecting from the plain, clean mirror that was with me
Near the mountaintop of Futility
I flew back
Wound the rope of neselthe vine, the vine that never burns
Around Ocht Tōbane
I flew across the valley
HOPE was my strength and victory
I flew above the sea
The sea of Wehclarah far from the bay
And dropped Ocht Tōbane in
To where he can smolder no more
Wehclarah’s waves thundered over his fortress
The first waves like the water of a cup set a shaky table
When it spills over, only a little spills out
But with one fatal yaw the cup is knocked over
And the water drips over the edge of the table
So was it with Wehclarah’s vengeful waves that wiped away his strong tower
The winds from the sea sang through the valley
Bringing healing, warmth, and spring
I am Enune Divateh
Ruler of the Land of the Pixies in the Valley of the Winds
And this is the tale of hope to be told after me