I hope you know
I can't sleep in my bed anymore
You took my room away from me
Along with my virginity
All I see is the outline of your face
On my pillows
But I guess,
Nothing in there is mine anymore
You took everything when you left
I see you laying right there
Right next to me
On that same fucking bed
I hate to sleep in there, I just see you
I see us, on the floor, staring at the other
I see you, sprawled out on my comforter
I see me, feeling so empty on the bed without you
I can't sleep in my bed anymore
I let you in and now
I can't let you out
I didn't just let you in my life
I let you in me,
And now, everything that was mine
You took
I hope you know,
I can't sleep in my bed anymore
Because, it's not mine anymore