Dear pain,
My regular visitor,
So regular that you no longer knock,
You just drop by and make a sandwich while you’re at it
You’re never in a hurry,
Always taking your sweet time
As you feed off my misery
Don’t you ever have somewhere to be?
Who introduced you to me?
I thought we always have a choice on who should stay in our lives
But I don’ remember choosing you!
Maybe you were just lonely
Looking for a friend
But friends don’t hurt each other
Friends don’t make others feel bad about themselves
They don’t make them question what they did wrong
They help each other,
Heal each other,
Build each other,
Encourage and strengthen each other
You on the other hand,
You’re just too clingy
Well, clingy isn’t all bad
But you’re like a leech
You attach yourself
And suck the life out of me
Can’t you give me a break?!
And not just me
I’m sure you’ve been ‘making friends’ all over
For a change,at least this once,
Take a vacation
Swim across nations
Making observations,
Of what you’ve done.
And why isn’t karma on your neck yet?
Maybe I should be writing a letter to her,
A letter about you
And how agonizing you’ve been
But maybe we all deserve a chance
So go make it right
Leave all you’ve been exploiting
And maybe for once you’ll have made the right choice