Stuff You Can't Say to Your Teacher
Kids think they're so cool these days
saying whatever they want.
They think they're smarter than you
because thats what they're taught.
With no guidance at home
or bad influences in school
they'll say what comes to mind
and think they're so cool.
It's not cool to bad mouth your elders
they're in that position to help you.
YOLO doesn't have nothin on them
they were there before it was cool.
So next time you think its ok to talk sh*t
how about you sit down and shut up
before you get hit.
It's not right, it's not cool, to talk crap to your teachers
When you're a parent you'll know. You'll be total believers.
A teacher is a mentor
they ready you for life,
and when you say things you shouldn't
You'll see the true strife.
Without teachers we're nothing
They help us grow
into the people we should be
That much I do know.