The Strong Little Mermaid
Once upon a time,
Far below the ocean’s waves
A mermaid girl was born
In those dark, glittering caves
She swam with her sisters
But fell in love with the shore
Though no humans or princes
Did she ever adore
‘Twas the thought of creating,
Of crafting with hands
Of sculptures and paintings
From all different lands
That filled her with purpose,
And wonder and glee!
Nothing else could fulfill her,
So enamored was she.
One year a festival came
In a town quite close by,
And the mermaid exclaimed,
“Now, now is the time!”
She swam down to her father
In darkest depths of the sea
He said she could live there
But there were warnings to heed
She could never come again
To her sparkling ocean blue
And her hands would sting in pain
With each creation new
And if success ever fled
As she did from her home
There was nothing she could do
But disappear as sea foam
Without a second thought
She agreed eagerly
On land she learned with joy
And painted ceaselessly
Dear visions of her home
Mixed with her dream come alive
Glowed on the canvases
And she continued with pride
While the going was rough
And her fingers screamed in pain
She kept on with creating
And found all she could gain
Her pieces were called whimsical
With her oceanic trademark
And while many criticized her
Those darts missed their mark
And all throughout all of her life
Despite all of her pain
She found her own happiness
And never forgot from whence she came