Stressful Situations


All I hear silence around me,

My brain is shouting at me to get moving,

To get started in this responsibility of adulthood,

Yet, I do nothing.


I stare at my empty white ceiling,

Wishing I had those I love surrounding me,

Instead, I am alone in a dorm with no one to guide me,

I am trapped.


I want to continue,

I want to be break out of this spell

Find the motivation to keep going

Pull everything together,

But it is hard.

It is really hard...


I come from nothing, 

I come from financial hardships,

I come from struggling parents

Who had to file bankruptcy twice to keep our family stable,

But with that came a consequence.


This life is hard,

It is hard coming from nothing,

It is hard to build yourself up

Even when you feel despair

and nothingness

and loneliness.




I have to keep fighting.

I have to fight for my future,

My boyfriend,

Who I love more than anything,

Who supports me through anything,

Who I plan to spend the rest of my days with.


I have to fight for those I want to save,

Clinical Child Psychology is my dream,

I want to help those who have been through tramas,

Who are suffering,

As I did.


It is hard,

It will get harder.

But I have to keep fighting,

For those I care about,

Those I can help,


For myself.

This poem is about: 


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