My worlds falling apart
It seems like its going to cave in on me
I feel the pressure
I fall to my knees
I get ready to break under everything
I yell one more time
This time to Jesus
Suddenly I feel the pressure leaving
I feel everything lifted away
I look up and see hands
Lifting my world up
I hear a booming voice say
"Don't worry my child,
I am here to be your strength,
I hear your cry and I will be your rock."
I looked upon Jesus and ran to his arms
I then realized how lost I was without him
How my life was nothing without him
How hopeless I was without him
He looks at me & says
"My dear child, I have been waiting
for you. You see, you've always needed me.
I've alway loved you endlessly,
I was just waiting until you realized
you need me."
I double over crying with Jesus right there
& he lifts me up and says
"I will be here for you my child
& I'll show you the way"
I then realized
He's my rock & my shoulder
But most of all he's my strength.
This poem is about: