Straight (Like You)
If I was straight I wouldn’t be writing this damn thing
If I was straight I wouldn’t need to hide my basic humans needs
If I was straight would you still dehumanize me?
Take away my rights and claim there “not meant to be”
If I was straight would my life revolve around the vote of others
I don’t have the same rights as my own mother
If I was straight would you still call me a species, secretly hoping “my kind” is going extinct
If I was straight would I gain some sympathy?
Because liking the same sex makes me unworthy
But what if you were gay?
Would you agree to equality and adapt a new point of view
Would you call it a lie, and say “now god hates me too”
Would you hate yourself, Medicate yourself?
Realize how much it takes to make other people happy
If you were gay would you accept defeat?
Would you dehumanize yourself and just let things be?
Or would you fight for your rights, and defend your beliefs
If you were gay would you understand the views of everyone else?
That a different lifestyle is just another route
If you were gay would you say your straight just to sell yourself
If you were gay, then youd be the odd one out
If you were gay would you have the courage to come out?
Take the chance of separating yourself from the ones you love because you got up enough courage to state your true self
If you were gay how long would it take you to accept yourself?
Accept who you are, and ignore the views of everyone else
If you were gay, you would understand what it’s like to be me.
But until then, I’ll never be free.
Because my life is in the hands of everyone else, who don’t approve of people like me.