Bedtime is here
It's time to sleep.
"Aww momma! Not now!
I cannot keep
My dolly waiting for me!"
I'd pout! I'd hide!
You name it
I tried!
I want 5 more minutes to play!
My playtime was done
My momma had won
As she carried Dolly and I up to bed
"We're not tired!" I cried
"I'm thirsty!" I lied
I'm not ready to go to sleep!
To my surprise
She said "Don't close your eyes!"
I have a story
I want you to hear.
After that night
I rarely did fight
When it was nighttime
I went to bed.
I would lie there and wait
Sometimes very late
To hear how the story would end.
As a grown up now
Would you like to see
How that very first story
Has affected me?
Drive by my house late and
Look for the light
I'll be writing a story
Hope to finish tonight!