Stop and Stand Hand in Hand
My pain I keep right inside,
Your words break me down until I cry.
Would you just go away?
Or most you bug me every day?
Do you know your right from wrong?
I fell as if I don’t belong.
It only end with my own pain,
Is there something you have to gain?
Why can’t we just get along?
I believe we all belong.
Why must you bully me every day?
Your own happiness doesn’t just make it okay.
Is this the way you hind your fears?
Or do wish to see me in tears?
Do you really hate me so?
Because if you do I can go,
I can try to run far away,
If you don’t want me to stay,
But others may rise if I fall,
To put an end to this all,
If you choose to break us down,
We’ll pick ourselves up off the ground.
Who are you to judge who belongs?
It’s our turn to right what’s wrong.
We will take the stand today,
We will not longer be your prey.
No just one can stop this trend.
We must all stand put this to an end.
We all must stand hand in hand.
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This poem was very moving, and it is perfect to share, especially in groups, because it can be the perfect conversation starter to have a real discussion on the effects, and the cause of bullying. This poem was very open, and raw, and it is good that you allowed those types of feelings to show through to the reader. There are a few mistakes that can be tallied to typing errors, so just give it a quick run through and fix any of the mistakes you may find. All in all, it was a great piece and thank you for sharing.