Still growing into who I am...
I am who I could not have imagined I would be
From mama's early blue eyed baby boy
to her lanky nineteen year old spawn
I am still growing into who I am aim to be
Can we ever predict the course any one of us will take?
From infancy's first steps to today's independent trots
Do we ever stop learning? Because
I am still growing into who I aim to be
I have been taught well, on mama's kee and daddy's too
But I've since outgrown that spot
And must find another place for my lesson 'fore
I am still growing into who I am to be
The growing pains, they're not gone
Just different, bigger and more pronounced
I wish I would have known then that
I am still growing into who I aim to be
But alas Growing is where the joy is
The journey though it be unknown
Is still the one I want to take
until I become the person I was meant to be