Stardust and Pluto
A lot of people have trouble expressing themselves;
dressing in distress, sometimes unable to address themselves,
lost to guess where they should go next
and they go by themselves.
Because the hardship that they experience
is not the death of a loved one,
but the death of themselves.
Depression is the worst monstrosity
and comes with great velocity;
making itself an authority; a priority
and you’re simply a vanity.
Force like gravity pulling you into a cavity
ripping holes in your sanity
when it brings with it anxiety.
And strips you of personality.
It’s fear constantly in your chest;
your knees always shaking
as if the ground below you is quaking
like it can feel your chest aching
and your heart breaking
because you still cannot get out of bed
but you are still afraid not to.
It’s as if you were dropped in the middle of a lake.
And you cannot swim
and you cannot scream
and you cannot breathe
and you cannot see what is directly ahead of you
so all you know how to do
is to just simply be.
But that is not good enough for me.
I wanted something more
than the sadness seeping from the pores in my skin,
late nights standing over a trap door
until the light of day came flooding in,
going to war with demons
with my head spinning, monsters grinning, my spirit thinning;
but I swore I would never let them win.
Silent was each victory;
Silent was the rest of my success.
It was my feet meeting the carpet in the morning
when I was absolutely convinced
that I was even less than a mess;
I was a wreck of stress.
But I was only a work in progress;
Recovery is a slow process.
We all find salvation differently.
I tried them all;
I stopped climbing my bedroom walls
as I began to paint them when my brain began to stall.
From drawing to writing,
art kept me fighting
and it was there for me at my beck and call.
The one that reined over all was music.
It wrapped me in a warm blanket
and made the demons fade from existence.
Because I could create something that only I could understand
and for once I had something
that could fully understand me.
But as Tyler Joseph promised,
I wasn’t the only one using headphones to try to fall asleep.
Ten percent of America’s population suffers from depression
and eighteen percent from anxiety.
We stand in a crowd over three hundred and fifty million people who are just like us,
and yet we have never felt so alone, lost with no home,
not worth the stardust in our bones.
I stand for the ones who feel
like they are standing on their own.
I stand for the twelve year old girl
who has stared at her body for so long
that it has begun to look wrong
or odd
like when you stare at a word for so long
that it begins to look off,
like it’s misshapen or misspelled;
out of place and out of shape.
I live to stand
for the high school boy in sinking sand
drowning by his parents’ hand
feeling lost in a wasteland of a dreamland
dreaming in achieving what he has been believing in seeing
but instead is left to sit and grieve because they cannot conceive
that this is what their son is meant to be.
I am not a savior
but I’m not such a major failure, weak and wavering like vapor,
unstable and meek.
I have come so far from where I was,
trapped in a monster’s jaws,
shattered on the floor like my mother’s favorite vase,
getting frustrated as I cut myself trying to pick up the pieces.
But now I’m at peace instead of deceased.
You asked what hardship have I experienced how it has affected me.
I told you about my fight, but if it’s still not getting though
then I’ll ask if you can stand at the end of a knife
threatening your own life night after night
and come out alright, the same person
belonging to the same name playing the same old game
letting their flame grow dim.
I could have come to an end,
silencing my demons by sending a bullet though my head,
leaving my friends to wonder if they could have lent a hand.
But I am so much brighter now
and I spread it like mad cow disease,
dancing with ease to the music in the rain
because never again can Hades overtake my brain.
Because I have known what it’s like to be dead, I have started to live again.