Standing strong

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 07:00 -- micmaq

They stare with their wandering eyes,

They don’t know the pain I despise,

My scars hide the pain inside,

Thirty surgeries in and the fact there won’t be more, lies!


Fear of the blade, blood like past wars, trying.

I won't let them win or see me crying.

I stand strong, proud of my scars, 

The war within, ever brewing, always trying.


Invisible illness hiding inside trying to get out,

The pain never goes away but gets worse in bouts,

EDS, POTS, others, the diagnosis such a lout,

I will not let this break me down or pout.


I am who I’m meant to be despite the pain,

I stand strong, be brave, live to sustain,

The warrior within is always just under the skin,

Take heart, be valiant and I won’t let my pain be in vain.


This poem is about: 
My community
Our world


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