When it comes to my size, people assume things
"I don't exercise, I eat too much, I eat poorly, I don't care what people think"
Well that is damn wrong.
I may not be the skinniest girl on the block, but I have learned to work what I have.
I see those looks, the rolling of the eyes.
The snide comments that find their way into my head and fill me with self-doubt.
I see that lunch lady see me and give me a bigger helping because I'm not thin.
Well I can tell you something: Screw you.
Screw the people who judge others.
Just because I am not a size zero it doen't mean you're allowed to have at me.
I am my own person. I exercise everyday and I have a consistant healthy diet.
Although I am bigger, my doctors say I am healthy.
And while I'm at it, screw the double standard we have.
To all the thin girls, I'm sorry some of my curvy commrades make comments to you,
"You don't eat, you're too thin, you look sick"
Hold your head high ladies. We can't give in to what society wants.
It's not right to judge cuvy girls as fat and thin girls as sickly. Where does it end?
Will there every be an end to this fad of never being good enough?
I say stop.
Stop it now before it's too late.
Stop the body shaming and mean comments. It's already out of hand.
Don't teach another generation of women to hate themselves too.We have the power to stop this.
I will know I have done wrong if my daughter ever askes me if she looks fat, because you know what?
She'll be beautiful, no matter the number on her pants.
What would I change?
The nasty double standard.
The hating of ourselves for the things we cannnot change.
The shame we cause to ourselves for never being good enough.
The words that spill mindlessly out of our mouths, hurting others like knives.
I would make the cutting words stop
And let the healing