A Soul For a Soul
A time ago —
the details are a little fuzzy now —
I ripped out my soul
and placed it inside you
so when you hurt I hurt;
when you laughed I laughed;
when you loved I loved;
when you breathed I breathed.
I didn’t know I had done this
until I saw you holding it one day —
raw, exposed
to the elements.
I panicked — how did you get that?
You said it sprang from your lips
when you let yourself love.
I clutched at my chest,
terrified at the power
this woman held over me,
my soul sliding
between her fingers
trying to mend it without losing
too many pieces.
So I asked you how,
how could you let yourself love?
You opened your chest
and told me to open mine
and there it was —
her soul pulsing, whole,
where mine had fallen apart.