Sometimes i wish people would look at me and see that im not okay
that most nights i cry myself to sleep
making sure my daughter doesnt hear me weep
Cause its hard when even when you sleep you dream about nothing but pain so it is a dream or a nightmare?
What can you do when you have fallen in to deep depression , when killing yourself has become a option , no happiness , i have completely lost myself , only to find the one thing that keeping me alive is my child who always have the biggest smile.
Sometimes i wish she could understand that mommy has to got to school and work so her childhood and future will be everything i wish mine was
Sometimes i wish everyone could see the love i have from them , i really wish i could tell them why im always so mad or angry
but not even i knows why...
Sometimes i wish i could be happy even though i smile all the time doesnt mean im happy.
Sometimes i wish god would just make it easy for me to happy.