Someone Spoke To Me
Last night I had a dream and I met with Success
Success told me that nothing was impossible
Success told me that I had to want to get it
Success told me that to dream I have to want to
Success told me that I have to sleep at one point to be able to dream
Success told me to not oversleep
Success told me that to success I have to want to
Success told me that to fail I have to want to
Success told me that I was born to succeed
When I woke up I had a walk with Life
I took in a deep breath of the fresh morning air
And Life told me I was here for a reason
I saw the vibrant green tree
And Life told me it was my best friend
I touched the silky soft puppy
And Life told me that I was here to change other people's lives
I heard little kids playing
And Life told me to be happy
I tasted the sweet sun showered peaches
And Life told me that Life wasn't always easy
After the walk I sat down with Inspiration
Inspiration told me that I had to set goals to reach them
Inspiration told me that if I never read my goals it's because I never set them
Inspiration told me to never give up
Inspiration told me that it would never leave me alone
Inspiration told me that times weren't always hard