For the longest time
I felt as though I didnt belong
Crowds stormed right through me
Never giving me a second glance.
For the longest time
I didn't know I was special
Or beautiful
Or worthy of those around me.
For the longest time
I was the ugly duckling
The words from others weighed me down
I couldn't stand up for myself.
For the longest time
I dreamed of flying
Flying through the insults and doubt
Till they didnt effect me anymore.
One day
I decided it wasnt others who pushed me down
I was my own enemy
I let their words cripple me.
One day
I stood up
I flapped my wings,
I got off the ground.
I didn't fly, I soared
I soared farther then I ever thought I would.
Higher than I ever imagined.
I didn't fly, I soared
I soared through the clouds
Bypassing all the negativity and doubt
Untill I became the person I wanted to be.
I didn't fly, I soared
I realized that wanting to fly limited me
I didnt set high enough goals for myself
Now i am infinite.