So This Is Me. . . .
Take a left then a right; look up, and than around
Everyone sees greatness while I’m staring at emptiness
“Girl, pick your head up” is been pronounce more then the times,
I’ve actually lifted my chin up
I’m nothing more then a shadow in dark, Unknown and alone
Some clammy skin with tears under my dry mascara eyes
Disappearing among a big crowd
Camouflaged behind a sweet laughter
Between my cheesy smile and high cheek bones
Waiting to be heard and comfort
Take my cold hand and warm it up with your body if you dare
I’m nothing more then a duck in a pond where swans are swimming
Always-darker then a night without the moon shinning
Something so ordinary like a wooden pencil in a classroom full of mechanical ones
Rip hope out of me and I am nothing more then a hopeless soul
Waiting desperately for help from my lord above
He gave me one of biggest hearts along with the most vulnerable one
I can’t seem to be mean at all towards anyone around me
The Damsel in distress always crying in a silent corner with a blade among her skin
“Anyone can hurt her”, she said with an evil-assertive look
Without knowing and analyzing the truth behind her statement was another
Another . . . scar on the skin left unharmed on her right thigh
Waiting calmly on the right person to pick her up the ground
The only thing she’s been waiting on this whole time, was to be found
She came to realized that the only hand that should be willing to help is her own
Look down upon myself only to get her back up
The girl with dreams out of this world, waiting to show her true glow
No more hiding under fake smiles and torn chuckles
Its time she allows herself through the dark hole onto the light
The light, in where she truly belongs
Where the real her will shine through and among all
Its time she becomes what she’s meant to be
The warrior that fought with her own skin is long gone, Now comes a new her
The one that will not lose hope or break down and relapse once again
Its time to set real goals for the hero she’s inkling towards
The one that will turn sick kid’s frowns into smiles and their deaths into hoping lives
That’s what she’s meant to be and what her future beholds