Riding down the road with a hint of sun seeping through the leaves,
It gives me a sense of exuberance,
For it illuminates my aspiration to soar above the Sky.
I think;
The Sky isn't the limit for me, but I am the limit to the Sky.
It can't exceed where God is taking me!
For the Sky is low compared to where I'm going!
No inanimate object will every reap my harvest,
Nor live in my overflow,
As I flow through the blessings of The Lord,
Bestowed so graciously upon me!
As the sun consummates,
I participate
In an intimate
With the one who creates!
HE created ME
In His image,
So, I like ME!
You don't have to like me,
Love me;
It's the greatest of the three,
If you don't have Love, you have Nothing...
Barren, Lonely,
All characteristics of the morsel of flesh you've become!
But back to the basics;
The Sky can't exceed where God is taking Me!