Skittles in one hand ice tea in the other
Skittles In one hand ice tea in the other
There came a night when
A boy walks with skittles in one hand and Ice tea in the other
This boy did not know this would be his last walk
This boy did not know his last meal would be skittles and the sweet nectar of ice tea
This same boy who walks with ice tea in one hand and skittles in the other notices he followed
The boy makes a call to his dear friend
He tells her the situation the follower mistakes skittles and ice tea for a weapon
A scuffle breaks out between the boy and the follower
A loud bang goes off
After one man stands while a boy falls
The skittles and ice tea spill and mix with red liquid
Treyvon falls while Zimmerman stands
All the boy had was skittles and ice tea in hand