July 22 2016
I never thought that I would cross the colour line
It wasn’t about being pro Black it was about being pro Love
Growing up in a rural community I never dissected my identification according to my culture, or my skin
Though young and impressionable, I was brought up to believe that love conquers all
I had to reconcile on my own terms that relationships are not about skin colour.
It was not until high school that I noticed that people who looked like me existed because truth be told I was
really the only melanated being in my friends circle
So between my childhood and my adulthood I have been back and forth about why I would ever consider
switching sides
...And then you happened.
I became infatuated with you because you became interested in my conversations
You liked my statuses on FB and commented on my posts about things that mattered to me
But I must admit, deep down, I didn’t want your kind, and by kind I mean your pale skin next to mine
Unexpectedly I found myself adding you to Facebook, and Instagram, and discovered you on Youtube...
And now I’m a stalker of the pale skinned kind
Him being him and I being I, to many wouldn’t really add up in anyone’s eyes, but I have realized that the
opinions of those who do not know us do not count and the more we allow those who do not understand,
to infiltrate their self-hate into the possibility of something great, makes us question what’s at stake
I am tired of feeling shame when I consider a life with someone who sees everything in me
You give me butterflies - Is that a good enough reason to mesh our flesh together and be two people who trust
each other to love each other and not destroy each other?
Our skin may not match but our hearts do and I know we would light this world on fire any day of the week
because the reality is, what we have is rare, so rare, but it’s worth it
Just because we are cut from two different cloths does not mean that our love is not worth fighting for