Sisters we are,Sisters we

Sisters we are,

Sisters we will be,

Sisters we will remain until infinity.


You are the four-leaf clover that only the lucky ones find,

Luckily, I was one of the lucky ones,

Who sees the true beauty in every single act you do,

Who wishes to never be aparted from you.


We are growing older and dividing paths,

We are finding interests that don't interest us both,

We are becoming our own person,

We are going our own ways,

We must remain present in eachother's days.


I love you so very much,

You are the world to me,

I aspire the same from you,

I love you.


Sisters we are,

Sisters we will be,

Sisters we will remain until infinity. 



This poem is about: 
My family


cristal saucedo gutierrrez

I do not write poems! I am not the best creative writer or writer in general,  but here it is.

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