A Single Flame
A single flame that burns inside you
It's passion and compassion that lights your way
One single flame can help guide you
One single flam can help warm you
This single flame, can help
And light the way for others like you
A message from me to you, no matter who you are
No matter how many challenges you face
No matter how much you are afraid
No matter who comes and goes into your life
If you're scared of disappointng others, of letting people down
Because you can't keep up with their expections that they set for you
If you're afraid to cry in front of others
And you bottle up feelings and instead put a fake smile on your face
You are not alone
It's okay
You're allowed to disappoint people
You're allowed to let your emotions out
You're allowed to cry
You are allowed to be your own self
Don't conform to what everyone else wants
Don't let other people compare you to others either
Only compare yourself to yourself
To the past, to the present, to the future
To help you shape yourself into the kind of person you want to be
To keep your single flame that burns inside you, aflame