Silk, Wood and Steel
My heart pounds
My palms sweating
As I walk into the arena, I hear the crowd
Their anticipation almost like a drug
But they grow silent
Their wonders are about to be told.
The music starts
Swoosh swoosh
The colors fly by my face
Softly brushing my skin
Between silk and empty I see the crowd
Their faces lit with excitement
What will be next?
I send the wild piece of steal soaring
So dangerous, yet so beautiful
Catch it! Catch it! Catch it!
The crowd roars
I feel the nerves begin to thaw
We’re almost there!
Finish strong...
We grab the final surprise
Click click click
All in synch
The music booms
And we send each riffle to the ceiling
All at once riffle, music, and flag stop.
We hold our poses
The battle has been won.
- Morgan Daley