The Sibling Divide
Dear Siblings,
You’ll never know me
Not as a sister,
More like a mother
Amelia, when you learn to drive
I’ll be 30
8 years younger than
Our parents are now
Maks, when you become a teenager
I’ll be 30
I won’t share the strife
I won’t understand you
You’ll never know the mistakes I made
I’ll conceal them from you
And try to keep you
From following in my footsteps
I'll advise you to start applying
to scholarships freshman year
to have your essays done early
to never procrastinate
I'll try to keep you from
cupid's dreadful aim
you'll hate me for it,
but then realize I love you
You'll see me making this effort
to stop you from making mistakes
so that you can be perfect
and think my actions stupid
The two of you will know each other,
But you won’t know me
I’ll just be a person that appears
Once in a while
I will not be your sister
I’m too old for you
To see us otherwise
I will be your distant relative
I’m sorry we were born so far apart
and cannot be real family
I mourn the loss
Sincerely, Zuzanna