This is She ;This is Me
Long blonde hair.
Part of that family
That big nice family.
Everyone knows them in town.
Homecoming queen.
So small,
So cute,
So sweet,
So quiet.
Vey athletic.
Nice family.
Church goer.
Avid volunteer.
Always smiling.
So sweet.
I am not just one from that family,
That big, nice family that everyone knows.
I am my own person.
Not just part of something bigger.
Not just a title.
Not just an image.
Not my blue, innocent looking eyes
Or my smile.
I am my imagination during the day
And I am my thoughts and fears at night.
I am my unpredictable next decision
And my constant crave for creativity.
I am the tattoo on my side that no one knows about.
I am my bad decisions
But my good ones too.
I am my dry sense of humor and my odd taste of music.
I am my favorite season: summer
And my fashion choice of the day.
I am a hider of emotions
But always there to listen.
I have a drive for art
And could pick up an instrument,
And could learn it in a day.
I am a traveler at heart.
I. Am. Me.
I am made up of an image;
An image that people have made
Based on my appearance
And the people I am around.
I do not mind this image
That people have made,
For I am sought out to be
A person of much more greatness
Than I ever will be.
I sit back and watch
And I know,
I know exactly what they think
When they look at me.
And that is okay.
For I know who I am
And that is what matters.