Seven; Why I write


Seven; Why I write

By Kourtney Naomi


I write because it’s embedded in me

 of all creative outlets, has been, 

the most pleasurable and soul-quenching of all

God spoke in the beginning; 

his words were transcribed for the lost ones who seek

and have the courage to find

I seek his words to form my own


I write because I’ve been lost


I’ve seen my dignity fall

But there’s this thing in me that endures; 

it’s written on my heart by my heavenly father,

no mortal hand can set my nature astray

this paper, this pen, keeps bitter idleness away



I write because sometimes I’m sad 

and can’t comprehend the way I feel

when feeling helpless and can not pray

 I write to remind me God is real. 

I’m not condemned to obey my body

this flesh prison seems to control me

and this is how I choose to set my spirit free 


On a page, 

my words take form in permanency


I make sense of irrationals

and keep tabs on my changing logic.

I write because I understand nothing

and that’s the beginning of wisdom.


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