The Secret Me
Hiding there around the corner
Is the inner me
I'm hard to catch a glimpse of
Till you really look and see
I can be whatever you want
As long as you are pleased
A natural at chameleon art
I live just to appease
Though vulnerable is how I seem
This, even, is a façade
I am a master at my game
My mask I do applaud
Yet when I am alone at night
My mask is put aside
And I am forced to face myself
With no one by my side
The depths of me I clearly see
Are hateful, selfish, proud
Yet on the outside, you I show
An innocence I vowed
Why do I put on this charade
To show you what I'm not?
I guess I feel that serving God
I'm slave to every "ought"
I "ought" to be this and "ought" to be that
This is what they expect
Yet this I know, though God saved me
I am not perfect yet
I'm going to heaven, of this I'm sure
But until then I'm here
And living in a messed up world
I can't just disappear
So what is, then, my purpose?
To act like all is well?
So many tell me "Just be good!"
So this I try to sell
Throughout my day just doing life
Most everybody buys
But when I am alone at night
I must face all my lies
Now, finally the haunting
Is too much for me to bear
I've given up pretending
With excuses everywhere
Everyone, it's true
I'm not perfect, no one is
Though I believe in doing good
Perfection's only His
He alone was perfect
So I don't have to be!
All He asks is that I trust Him
And live life honestly
So honestly, here I am
I hope that you will see
The secret me is saved by Him
Who showed Himself to me!