Scars That Make Me Beautiful
Some days I cover my arms shamefully with
itchy sweaters and flannel shirts
Because I can’t stand the thought of being seen
their stares pierce far into my soul
and I feel tears sting my eyes like pools of crimson memories
I remember the first day I felt beautiful
even with my self-inflicted imperfections
I rolled up my sleeves scared and shy
like a child on the first day of kindergarten
hoping the world wouldn't look down on me
for mistakes I can’t remove with an eraser
These scars cover my arms like the jagged lines
of a blood red sharpie like the ones
my teachers used to write my failures
I remember the day I pulled the sleeves of my jacket up
to wash my hands when a woman walked through
like the queen of England
more superior than the sad reflection
of a broken girl standing in front of her
“You’re disgusting” like she knew the stories
lacing the outside of my body
Can you believe I told that bitch sorry?
like it was my fault she couldn't stand me for something
I will never forgive myself for
I’m not sorry anymore
Most days I look down at myself in the shower
and I cry enough tears to drown my fears for the night
Some nights I make tiny invisible cuts
on the inner corners of my wrists
when I can’t sleep and feel like screaming
No one will ever notice
I hope
I find peace in the strength forced into my heart
by the razors I used to slice open cuts
on the wrists of the arms that hold the pen
that bleeds ink from the dark pit of my soul
These scars are not mistakes
they are beautiful
I am beautiful