You gave me life,
my first breath taken was yours first.
You loved me before I knew who I was.
You watched over me while I slept,
Letting peaceful dreams take me to a world not my own.
You heard my cries,
My sadness or pain,
Terror or grief.
I felt your hand on my shoulder.
I heard your whispers to guide me.
When I screamed in fear,
You lit my torch in the dark,
stood beside me,
and helped me fight off my demons.
When I shook in guilt,
my knees skinned,
hands clasped together,
Crying because I knew that I'd done wrong,
I felt your arms around me;
Someone to hold me when I needed it most.
I felt your grace fall on me.
When I would cry in pain,
My crimson blood staining the ground,
I felt you clean my wounds.
When I open my lips to sing,
Eyes shining,
Joy resounding,
I hear you sing with me.
When I dance like no one's watching,
Silly and free,
I hear your joyful laughter.
I know You are there whenever I fall.
You crawl with me when I cannot walk.
You carry me when I cannot carry myself.
You never give me tests I cannot pass.
You catch me if I fall too hard.
You do not look at the wrongs I have done,
but instead see the light of faith inside me.
You love me despite my imperfections,
and you're always there when I need you.
Thank you for saving me when I thought I'd surely drown.
I love you.