
How can you save me when I'm already to far gone to catch. How can you save me when the strength only among yourself to have the chance to be something important being left behind.

How can you save me when you saw blood you screamed and lost control of my empty heart with no beat only wishing to hear the sound of my voice once more. How can you save me when you lost everything apart of me.

How can you save me when you forgot how to care for me and you forgot how to love me. How can you save me when I cried alone wishing I could wash away my tears that poured like a waterfall into a ocean of sorrow. 

How can you save me when every scar reminded me of a time you weren't there. How can you save me when my voice didn't guild you with hope but silent that surrounded the room making a bitter taste in your mouth of something you could have said.

How can you save me when you ran out of time wishing you had one more minute that could change something that happened over a decade. How can you save me when the risk you took was to busy saving yourself.

How can you save me when the curtains close and the spot light darkens. How can you save me when I'm sorry wasn't enough. How can you save me when the water caves in and drowns you. 

How can you save me when days went by not knowing anything. How can you save me when the music soften not making a tone. How can you save me when you were looking at something beautiful brake into pieces.

How can you save me when you lost faith looking for me. How can you save me when night comes and another day goes by. How can you save me when you say hello and my words are goodbye.

You can't save me when I'm to far gone you can't save me anymore...




Hope you enjoy this poem and if you do there will be alot more poems from me!!!!


Comment if you liked this poem. Those comments will help make me become a stronger poet and being able to share me emotions though poetry . Thank you so much 

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