Sailing Through Life
Our faith is our sail
Intuition the wind
The life we've built for ourselves is the hull beneath our feet
The world may get rough at times
The seas shaky and the winds turbulent
Sometimes you need to let go of your hold on faith
Drop your sail and wait out the storm
It is only when the clouds clear and the waves subside that you can raise your sail back up
Through the dropping of your sail you are able to regain faith at a stronger purpose
Rather than driving blindly into a storm and being tossed aside like a kite in a hurricane
You ride it out and live to see another day, with faith stronger than ever before
For the wind is our intuition
And intuition is what guides you
If it demands that you drop your sail
You drop it
If it allows you to raise it
You raise it up
But without faith we go nowhere
And without a sail we are stranded and lost
Once we raise our sail up our destinations are limitless
But before we may reach our destination we must first wait on the wind
So when intuition calls
Raise your sail
And let it carry you along your path