Running Soul
Not a day will go by that people will end the day with regret.
Of running away from something that had not even started yet.
Afraid to to loose what you have gained,
Or to gain what you never had.
It is a moment that will make you crazy
and a bit mad,
Mad with tension,
with preoccupation,
but it is also one of the situations
that will help you grow and ease your aggravation.
Because to risk it all is not to know it all,
but to know it all is to risk it all.
Know too much,
You could be dead,
Know too little,
You will live with everything unsaid.
Because the ones who don't speak
are the running souls that don’t even want to peak
At what they can really have from reality and something new to seek.
Yes, its risking a lot but at the end, isn’t that what you ever wanted?
Not everything in life is as beautiful as a rose or written as sweet as a sonnet.
But at least you are able to be know what life truly is.
And all the regrets of not doing anything is something you won’t miss.
But to give up is just one of those things
that those running souls tend to bring.
And it’s sad because its just another battle that they decide not to win.
But don’t you wish that you could go on one more day?
Look back at the war and decide to stay?
It’s back to risking,
but at least you’re not running away.
Running from something that is not the same.
You never know, you might just end up victorious.
With a new set of rules and your life being glorious.
So what I’m trying to define is why do you all run away?
Is it really the risk that is going to be taken
Or is it the upcoming unknown pain?