A Rudimentary Change With a Great Effect
If I had the chance to change one thing
To a better world, this change would bring
The eradication of ignorance for discrimination would be key
Freedom from this cage in which we keep
The comment that separates with no truth or backing
That pierced the heart even though reason was lacking
The sword that commanded, or the whip which cracked
All designed to hold us back
But when we educate ourselves beyond cheap shots
The oppressed can learn, and are opportune to rise to the top
These unreasonable actions no longer repress
Racism, sexism, and all phobias no longer an object to limit success
Seeing the difference of others as contribution and not loss
As attributes to a greater team, and not trash to be tossed
Building them up, being polite
And not cursing them, confused and contrite
Advance as a race of humans, not a race of humans advanced
This greater team’s progress will not be to chance
The simple act of ridding ignorance as reason for being derogatory
Will be enough for humans to continue on Earth, writing a better story