You hear it all the time
The cliched, "There are only two types of people in the world..."
But the world is more than just black and white
We live in an existential plane of ROYGBIV
It's not jocks vs. nerds
Or gay vs. straight
Or fat vs. skinny
To fall into confines that society has set around us would be self-sacrilege
So here's to those who rise above
Who not only break the mold
But turn it to dust
Who like boys or girls
Or boys and girls
Who know it's ok to do Calisthenics and Calculus
Who are confident as a size 2 or a size 22
Because there is more than one shade of pink or blue or green...
The whimsical red on a magazine cover starlet isn't the only red
The autumn orange that makes up a football jersey isn't the only orange
The sky blue emblem on an Ivy League acceptance letter isn't the only blue
So here's to those
Who embrace the many colors of the world