Rosa, Sofia, and Jazmine
I am of influential women
The people who inspire me to be who I am and do what I do
The women who have raised me on a mental and physical level
Who taught me not to be ignorant and bigoted
Who kept me aware no matter how much everyone else wasn't
Who did not shield me from the world but instead showed me it
Who opened my eyes to my privilege and others disadvantages
Who took care of me from when I woke up until I went to sleep
Who brought me out of my comfort zone and outside of my whitewashed neighborhood
Who prepared me and my obligation to say the things that need to be said
Who have seen me at my worst and brought it to my best
Who encouraged my determination and will
Who pushed me to do what I can with what I have
Who after taking care of me went back to their families
Who made sure I always knew the facts
Who shaped my opinions about this country from its ideals to its reality
Whose houses were on the “bad” side of town and whose kids were in jail
Who have a passion for what they do
Whose lives are dedicated to raising children like me
Who don't get enough credit for what they do
Who showed me how to be a good citizen even though they weren't considered one
Who exposed me to different cultures and ways of being
Who taught me not to be scared of people that aren't like you
Who watched over me even after they were gone
Whose thoughtful actions are still present in my life today
Who I look up to
Whose influences will never leave me
Who guided my life
Who I will never forget
And everyday I'm thankful for them